1 Open your favorite text editor. In our case we are going to use Notepad++
2 Copy the VBScript code from below.
3 Paste the code in the newly created file.
4 Save the file with a ".vbs" extension.
The DeleteFolder method does not distinguish between folders that have contents and those that do not. The specified folder is deleted regardless of whether or not it has contents.
5 Run the script file by double-clicking on it or via the CMD console.
6 That's it!
' This script deletes a folder.
Sub deleteFolder()
' Set variables
Dim fso
Dim folderName
Dim folderPath
Dim folderToBeDeleted
Dim msg
' Set folder path
folderPath = "F:\VBAmacros\VBScript\"
' Set folder name
folderName = "My Folder"
' Ser folder to be deleted
folderToBeDeleted = folderPath & folderName
' Create a file system object
Set fso = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Check if the folder already exists
If Not fso.FolderExists(folderToBeDeleted) Then
' Set a message
msg = "Warning! " & folderName & " not found!"
' Output a message
MsgBox msg
' Delete folder
' Check if folder still exists
If Not fso.FolderExists(folderToBeDeleted) Then
' Set a message
msg = "Success! " & folderName & " was successfully deleted!"
' Output a message
MsgBox msg
' Set a message
msg = "Error! " & folderName & " was not deleted!"
' Output a message
MsgBox msg
End If
End If
' Release the file system object
Set fso = Nothing
End Sub
' Run the procedure
Call deleteFolder()