
VBScript - Create A Blank Presentation

This script file allows you to create a blank MS Powerpoint presentation.


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1 Open your favorite text editor. In our case we are going to use Notepad++

2 Copy the VBScript code from below.

3 Paste the code in the newly created file.

4 Save the file with a ".vbs" extension.

5 Run the script file by double-clicking on it or via the CMD console.

6 That's it!


' This script creates a blank MS Powerpoint presentation.
Sub createBlankPowerpointPresentation()
	' Set variables
	Dim appPowerpoint
	' Create new powerpoint application object
	Set appPowerpoint = Wscript.CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application")
	' Set it to be visible
	appPowerpoint.Visible = True
	' Add a new presentation
	' Release the powerpoint application object
	Set appPowerpoint = Nothing
End Sub
' Run the procedure
Call createBlankPowerpointPresentation()

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